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[NEWS] NH CHEMICALS is named ‘2023 Ulsan Job Creation Small Giant’.

관리자(고은정) 2024-02-28 Views 1,149

The Ulsan Metropolitan Government held ‘2023 Job Creation Small Giant Awards’ at the control room on the 7th floor of the city hall at 14:00, December 27 with the attendance of about 10 officials including Economic Deputy Mayor ‘Ahn Hyo-dae’.


NH CHEMICALS (managing director ‘Lee Hyeong-sik’, right on the right picture) was honored to receive the award.


We won the prize for our contribution to local economy through job creation. We are committed to keep fulfilling our corporate social responsibility in cooperation with local community as an engine of job creation.


The awardees will receive KRW 20 million for working environment improvement along with ‘Small Giant Certificate’ over 2 years, pursuant to ‘Ulsan Small Giant Incubation & Assistance Rules’ and ‘Job Creation Certification System’. They also get incentives such as special interest rates on the management safety loan, additional points on the commerce assistance policy and deferral of tax investigation. 


Posted by: Management Support Division (nhcus@nhchemicals.com, 052-267-4700)